
MT4j - Latest Release (Developers Preview)

MT4j version 0.98 full (dev. preview) release, including binaries, examples, sources, tests and javadocs (29.4 MB, released March 31th 2011)
MT4j version 0.98 binary (dev. preview) release (10.6 MB, released March 31th 2011)
MT4j Android alpha (dev. preview) release (5.3 MB, released March 31th 2011)

MT4j is open source and released under GPL License.

MT4j version 0.95 full release, including binaries, examples, sources, tests and javadocs (18 MB, released Aug. 13th 2010)
MT4j version 0.95 binary release (10.5 MB, released Aug. 13th 2010)



MT4j – An open source platorm for multi-touch software development, VIMation Journal Issue 1/2010 Download
MT4j – A Cross-platform Multi-touch Development Framework, Engineering Patterns for Multi-Touch Interfaces 2010, Workshop of the ACM SIGCHI Symposium on Engineering Interactive Computing Systems, June 20, 2010, Berlin, Germany downloadArrow Download
Taxonomy and Overview of Multi-touch Frameworks: Architecture, Scope and Features, Engineering Patterns for Multi-Touch Interfaces 2010, Workshop of the ACM SIGCHI Symposium on Engineering Interactive Computing Systems, June 20, 2010, Berlin, Germany downloadArrow Download


Studie "Multi-Touch 2009 - Technologie, Hard-/Software und deren Anwendungsszenarien", Fraunhofer IAO, 2009 (Download nach Registrierung) Download
Multi-Touch 3D - Interaktion mit 3D Objekten, Master Thesis von Florian Breier, 2010 Download

MT4j - older releases

MT4j version 0.9 full release, including binaries, examples, sources and javadocs (17.1 MB, released Feb. 24th 2010)
MT4j version 0.9 binary release (10.8 MB, released Feb. 24th 2010)
MT4j version 0.81 RC full release, including binaries, examples, sources and javadocs (16.7 MB, released Sep. 5th 2009) downloadArrow Download
MT4j version 0.81 RC binary release (10.1 MB, released Sep. 5th 2009) downloadArrow Download
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