
Environment Installation

The following instructions focus on working with MT4j using the Eclipse Java™ IDE. The MT4j releases already contain an eclipse project which contains all necessary configurations (e.g. required libraries included in classpath). You can also use other IDEs, which can cause additional configuration effort.

Step 1: Install Java™ Development Kit (JDK)

Download and install Java™ 6 Development Kit.
Note: This step is only neccessary if no appropriate java library is installed on your system, yet.

Step 2: Install Eclipse IDE

Download and install Eclipse IDE for Java™ Developers .

Step 3: Import MT4j

1. Start eclipse.

2. Select "File" -> "Import..."


3. Select "Import existing project into workspace"


4. Select "Select archive file" and click "Browse..."


5. Browse to the folder where the downloaded file is located, select the file and click "Open" You should now see the project listed and selected under "Projects:"


6. Click "Finish" to import the project into your workspace.

If you want to run the MT4j examples now, take a look at the "how to run the MT4j examples" tutorial.

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